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Arrangements and Scrutiny

An image of hands around a family of wooden peopleLocal safeguarding arrangements are determined by the statutory safeguarding partners in accordance with the statutory guidance in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 and Childrens Act 2004. As a Partnership we are committed to joined up working with all WSCP Partners and Key Strategic Leads so we can deliver the best outcomes for our children and families while creating a supportive and healthily challenging environment for each other. 

The three organisations in Wandsworth (the Safeguarding Partners) who are jointly responsible for the partnership arrangements for keeping children safe: Wandsworth Borough Council, Metropolitan Police and NHS South West London Integrated Care Board. Acting as a strategic leadership group the three lead safeguarding partners oversee the WSCP.  

The WSCP local safeguarding arrangement can be viewed in full here: Wandsworth Safeguarding Children Partnership Arrangements 2024 

Independent Scrutiny

An image of Sarah LawrenceEffective challenge and scrutiny are key to the effectiveness of partnership arrangements. This scrutiny is provided with the help of Independent Scrutineer, Sarah Lawrence, who was appointed in March 2023. Sarah has been part of WSCP’s journey of change since April 2023 providing insight and support to the re-imaging of the WSCP. Along with Sarah’s appointment, the WSCP is incredibly proud and excited to have appointed young scrutineers, between them they will assist the Partnership in delivering on its ambition and commitment to ensuring all children in Wandsworth are safe, happy, heard and are given the best opportunity to achieve their fullest potential.