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Ambitions and Priorities

An image of a women putting sticky notes on a windowWandsworth Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) is jointly led by the Police, Integrated Care Board and the Council. We are responsible for protecting children and young people in Wandsworth from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation, and promoting their welfare.

Our ambitions

We want to ensure all young people in Wandsworth have a great future, where:

  • Children are happy and have good opportunities to develop skills
  • Children are safe both at home and in the communities where they live
  • Children are enabled to live healthy and fulfilling lives
  • Children receive a good education, suited to their individual needs, which supports them in staying safe and achieving their potential
  • Looked after children feel safe, secure, cared for and happy in an environment where they can thrive and succeed

Our Priorities

Anti-Racist Practice, Actions, Behaviour, and Culture across the Partnership and within all organizations.

To deliver excellent education to children in Wandsworth with a focus on children with special educational needs, and young people who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID restrictions, ensuring needs are assessed and that children receive the right support at the right time in the right provision to enable every child to reach their potential.

To work alongside children, young people, and communities to develop and deliver accessible early help services to children and families in Wandsworth with a focus on supporting disadvantaged and marginalised families, increasing fairness and inclusivity, and improving the wellbeing of children, young people, and their families in Wandsworth.

To deliver accessible and inclusive mental and physical health services to children, young people and parents and carers ensuring access pathways for services are clear and gaps in services responded to.

To have meaningful multi agency data that enables the Leadership to understand the effectiveness of the safeguarding response to children and young people and to act quickly when there are areas of vulnerability or risk.