Bullying - guidance for young people

Anyone can be bullied, it doesn't matter how old you are, where you are from or whether you are a boy or girl.


You can be bullied at school, home or online. It can be someone calling you names, spreading rumours about you, stealing from you, or hitting or hurting you in some other way.

Nobody deserves to be bullied, and no-one has the right to be a bully. 

Definition of bullying

Wandsworth is a core member of the Anti-bullying Alliance (ABA) and we have adopted the ABA’s definition of bullying:

“Bullying is the repetitive, intentional hurting of one person or group by another person or group, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be physical, verbal or psychological.  It can happen face-to-face or through cyberspace.”

Childline have made a video about bullying which explores the different reasons people are bullied and how it makes them feel. 

Cyber bullying

Cyber bullying is when a person or a group of people uses the internet, email, online games or mobiles to threaten, tease, or intentionally embarrass someone else.

Childline has set up a page which explores what cyber bullying is and how you can stop it. 

The WSCP have written a section on how to stay safe online.

Where can I get help? 

If you feel like you are being bullied the first thing to do is talk to someone. You should try talking to your parents, or a teacher. 

Childline provide several ways to contact one of their counsellors:

If you ever feel like you are in danger then you should call the police on 999 or find a friendly adult immediately. 

You can find more advice on bullying and other subjects in our links section