Children at risk of radicalisation
Wandsworth Prevent Programme
Prevent is part of the National Counter-Terrorism Strategy and aims to stop people being drawn into or supporting terrorism. Prevent works with other key agencies, the police and communities to help deter extremist groups and support vulnerable people
This service is for people who know of someone who may be influenced by extremist groups, or feel they themselves may be at risk.
The team focuses on three key areas which are:
- Responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat from those who promote it;
- Preventing people from being drawn into terrorism and ensuring that they are given appropriate advice and support; and
- Working with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation that we need to address
Messages will only be collected during office hours. You can also report suspected extremism online.
A Parents and Carers Support Pack - Child exploitation has been designed to help parents and carers reduce the risk of exploitation from happening to their child.
How to get help
All concerns about radicalisation of children under 18 must be referred to MASH as a safeguarding issue:
Wandsworth Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH)
2nd Floor Town Hall Extension
Wandsworth High Street
SW18 2PU
Telephone: 020 8871 6622
Outside of normal office hours (after 5pm weekdays or on weekends): 020 8871 6000.
If you are a professional making a referral, you should complete the Multi-agency Referral Form (MARF).
If you have immediate concerns that requires the Police’s immediate action, please dial 999.