Health resources

Organisations and services offering help with health issues.



Sexual health information for under 25s.


Free national helpline for young people, with confidential advice on all sorts of problems.

Cool 2 Talk

Chat with someone about health issues.

Department for Health

Public health, adult social care, and the NHS.


Information on contraception, STIs, planning a pregnancy, pregnancy choices and general sexual health.


Information and advice on health issues.

Total Health @ Wandsworth (TH@W)

Offers information, advice and one to one support on issues relating to sexual health, drugs, alcohol, pregnancy and your emotional health, for those aged 19 and under.


Provides information and advice on child mental health issues.

Childline - self harm

Free national helpline for young people, with confidential advice on all sorts of problems. Telephone 0800 1111.

NHS Choices - self harm

Advice on a variety of health issues.


PAPYRUS is a voluntary UK organisation committed to the prevention of young suicide and the promotion of mental health and emotional wellbeing.


One of the biggest and best self-harm support communities on the internet.


Telephone and email support for anyone who is worried, upset, or suicidal.

Sex Education Forum

The forum is an independent charity that works with members and partners to promote good quality relationships and sex education in the UK.


A safe space to understand self-harm, for young people and the caring adults around them.

SW London & St Georges Mental Health Trust

A hub of information for both patients and carers to source everything you need to know on the journey to better mental health.

Coral Mental Health Crisis Hub is a service in Springfield University Hospital, Tooting. It is for patients of all ages with mental health problems who would otherwise have had to go to A&E.

Wandsworth Council

The Council provides a range of information and resources that support children's and young people's health.