Many parents find it hard to cope at times. If you ever feel that you may harm your own child you should talk to someone about it. You can contact Children's Specialist Services and speak to a social worker, or speak to a health visitor, your family doctor or any professional that you know. They will try to help you to resolve the problem. Remember, you won't be the first parent to feel this way and talking to someone can really help.
Some key tips about safe parenting
- Try to understand the seriousness and consequences of child abuse.
- Learn about healthy child development and safe parenting.
- Listen to children - try to understand what they're saying and doing, and why.
- Know what goes on in your child's world (such as their school, nursery, youth club) and how issues such as bullying are dealt with.
- Find someone to turn to if you're under stress.
- Don't cross the line and hurt your child. Take alternative actions - for example, "count to ten and think again".