Safety planning

Safety planning is about thinking about what one already does to avoid abuse and developing a plan of action if things get more dangerous and one has to leave home.


The following advice can be given to your client who might be/is suffering domestic abuse:

An emergency plan can include:

  • Being able to call a friend or relative
  • Being able to ask a neighbour to call the police on their behalf
  • Somewhere safe to go
  • Some emergency money or phone credit so she/he can make an emergency call or journey
  • An emergency bag with clothes and important documents
  • A list of emergency numbers
  • Access to money (perhaps set up an account in their own name)

Above all it is important to keep themselves and their children safe. This information will hopefully allow you to explore with them the options available to them if she/he does decide to leave an abusive relationship.

Abuse frequently gets worse when the victim leaves and starts to become more independent, so planning ahead is a sensible option. Getting some help from one or more of the agencies listed in the Domestic Violence Directory of Services will give the victim more confident to take the practical steps necessary to start leading a life free of from abuse.